How to Make An "Elevator Pitch" Video for Your Muse Portfolio Site

This page will tell you all you need to know about making and posting an Elevator Pitch video to your Muse Mini-site.

Why You Need to Make An Elevator Pitch Video

  1. Employers increasingly use video platforms for interviews.
  2. Creating your Elevator Pitch video develops story and presentation skills.
  3. You control your elevator pitch as a calling card.
  4. Video pitch is always available for employers.
  5. It demonstrates your confidence and communication skills.
  6. It helps you stand out from the competition.

How to Master Your Pitch (6 min. video, 1.5 mil views on YouTube)

This video demonstrates the pitch practice refinement process.

While a little over the top, it does a good job of illustrating how to get from a first rough pitch to a solid one that is compelling and concise.

Things to Consider and Do in Planning and Creating Your Video

  • Know your audience: Consider the employers who will be watching your video. Research the industries or specific companies you're targeting and tailor your pitch accordingly. Understand the qualities and skills employers value in candidates and highlight them in your video.
  • Keep it concise: Remember that an elevator pitch is typically a short and impactful introduction. Aim to keep your video between 45 seconds and 1 minute in length. Practice condensing your key points into a brief and focused presentation.
  • Showcase your uniqueness: Highlight what sets you apart from other candidates. Identify your unique skills, passions, or experiences that make you a valuable asset. Emphasize how these qualities align with the needs and values of potential employers.
  • Prepare a script or outline: Although you want to sound natural and spontaneous, it's helpful to prepare a script or outline to ensure you cover all the important points. Practice your pitch multiple times to refine your delivery and avoid sounding rehearsed.
  • Consider visual and audio quality: Pay attention to the technical aspects of your video. Ensure good lighting, clear audio, and a tidy background to maintain a professional appearance. Use a stable camera or tripod to avoid shaky footage.
  • Be authentic and enthusiastic: Show genuine enthusiasm and passion for your chosen field and the opportunities it presents. Let your personality shine through and be yourself. Employers value authenticity and want to get a sense of who you are beyond your resume.
  • Call to action: End your elevator pitch with a clear call to action. Express your interest in exploring opportunities further, provide contact information, and invite employers to visit your Muse portfolio site for more information.
  • Get feedback from your network: Before finalizing your video, seek feedback from trusted peers, mentors, or career advisors. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your pitch to make it as impactful as possible.

Here's An Example Script for Your Video

  1. Your Story Structure

    • Most stories are chronological. Elevator Pitches often improve if you flip them on their head
      • The Present – where are you right now
      • The Past – quick summary of experiences and skills
      • The Future – why you are excited for this particular opportunity
    • Type of content
      • Destination (where you want to go)
      • Back story (where you've been)
      • Connect the dots (why this story makes sense logically, especially if it involves direction pivots, which most do)
      • Telling why you would want to do something and why you would be great at it
  1. Example Script Content

    • Two or three sentences about who you are and what you are exploring broadly
      • Hi I'm Sam, a sophomore at State University majoring in psychology. I'm very interested in exploring career paths and opportunities in marketing.
      • I'm a great writer and I love communicating ideas.
    • Background
      • Prior to starting college, I did not really know what I really wanted to do. I got interested in marketing during 1st year Psychology and English classes and I've excelled in connecting messages with people.
    • Relevant experiences and activities
      • I spent this past summer doing background research and developing grant applications for an education non-profit. On campus, I am the marketing lead for a student organization focused on teaching high school students financial literacy.
    • Interests and hobbies
      • My personal interests include backpacking, baking bread, and all things in the Marvel Universe.
    • Fun fact (optional -- good for humanizing you for the viewer)
      • I have a coin from every country in the EU prior to converting to the Euro.
    • Opinion--of mine--that many people disagree with (optional, Peter Thiel's fave question)
      • I think peanut butter is gross. I just don’t like it!
    • Next step
      • Going forward, I want to find a marketing internship, learning from professionals and delivering results. I think my strong communication skills, along with my interest in consumer behavior, make me a great candidate

Video Recording and Display Tools

  • Recording Tools
    • Your smartphone - easy and natural
    • Your laptop - stable and simple
    • Loom - good for students who want to incorporate screen recordings into their video to create a wide range of content, including presentaiton of code or a financial model or other detailed work that you have done that benefits from a live explanation and walk through. The basic version is free and easy to use.
Loom: Async Video Messaging for Work

How to Create A YouTube Channel If You Don't Yet Have One

  • Display
    • YouTube is the easiest way to store and share videos.

How to Upload Your Video to YouTube (make it public/unlisted for Muse)

How and Where to Put Your Elevator Pitch Video on Your Muse Site

Version 1 - Upper left Corner of Your Page

Version 1 - Upper left Corner of Your Page

Version 2 - Upper Right Corner of Your Page

Version 2 - Upper Right Corner of Your Page

Position your Elevator Pitch video at the top of your Muse Portfolio site in the upper left or right position.

In the other top position, we suggest you include: Your LinkedIn Profile and other important links to examples of your work, internships you have held, accomplishments, scholarships and other forms of recognition you've received and projects you've done.

Below that you can add the PDF of your resume.

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